Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Reccession Drags On

Another month has passed as July comes to an end.
They say the recovery is just around the bend.
An unemployment check is not really what I want.
So, back to the job boards I continue to haunt.
I hear the employed, rich and powerful pass judgment on me.
They say I am lazy and getting by for free.
I have looked for work for over a year and a half.
I see a lot of time wasted as the present becomes the past.
The government comes up with ideas, all doomed to fail.
As the live in luxury and continue to wail.
If you are not going to lead or follow, get out of the way.
Maybe then the recovery will begin one day.
I pray for our country and I pray for us all.
Please remember to vote in elections this fall.


  1. You're a poet and I never did know it. Good Blog. I'll comment on some of what you've stated when I have more time.

  2. I found your blog via Web Sleuths and the Bob Harrod case.

    I just wanted to wish you well. I'm hoping that you've found a job and that's why you haven't updated your blog in so long!
