I used to be a Republican. I left the party in late 1991 when George H. Bush was president. I was not happy with President Bush or his policies. He had spent eight years as vice president under one of the greatest president’s this nation has ever had. He apparently learned nothing during the experience. It was more than just President Bush. The entire party had begun down a road I could not go with them. I felt they were pandering too much to the big business and so called evangelical Christian right. I let my faith be my guide. I do not want the faith of others pushed on me by a political party. I did register as a Republican in California when I registered to vote. The party was doing a voter registration drive and I needed to register anyway. The Republican box was already checked on all the forms. I really did not care. I just needed to register to vote. I can vote however I want to.
In the past nineteen years, I have been proven to have made the right choice. I have watched a dismal parade of presidential candidates (Dole, Bush, McCain). I have seen a party consumed with what the other side thinks of them. I have watched the legacy of President Reagan be squandered by “neocons”. I have watched this country enter two wars with no clear goals or end in sight. I have watched the party squander a beautiful victory in congress in 1994. I watched them chicken out when under pressure. The only time I see them in the news is in airport bathrooms or brothels. To be honest, the current Republican Party disgusts me.
In November 2008, the Republican Party was handed a gift on a silver platter. Sen. John McCain was defeated by Sen. Barack Obama for the presidency. He promised hope and change. He promised a transparent presidency. He promised no new taxes on anyone making less than $250,000 a year. He promised a new era of peace and racial harmony. He made a lot of promises he had no intention of keeping.
What has he delivered? He inherited what has become the worst recession since the Great Depression. He inherited a war on two fronts with no clear objective. I give him those. He also inherited a House and Senate owned by his party. Instead of focusing on the economy and the war, he focused on health care. He managed to get a bill passed that over half the nation disapproves of. He focused on illegal immigration. Right now, Congress is considering amnesty for millions of law breakers and a slap in the face to those who have struggled through the proper channels to gain citizenship. He has focused on “green” jobs and technologies that do not exist and will not for several decades to come. He has appointed radicals, socialists, and even communists to key positions in his administration. He has filled his cabinet with academics that have no real world job experience. He has slowly taken away our freedoms one by one and continues to do so.
And what have the Republicans done? Bitch, piss, and moan about his administration. They also filibustered the extension of unemployment benefits to those still out of work due to this miserable economy. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING!!!! Where are the constructive voices of opposition? Where is the Republican plan for fixing the problems with America? All I hear from them is complaints. Who is the real voice of the Republican Party? I do not think it is Rush Limbaugh. He is a great commentator, but he is not the head of the GOP. As far as Michael Steele goes, he is a buffoon. He has shown no true leadership since he was made party chief.
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