Friday, May 7, 2010

Part One: Racism - Originally Posted 04-27-10

Rac•ism [rey-siz-uh m] –noun
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

Rac-ism (when heard in the media or by politicians) [rey-siz-uh m] – noun
I have run out of logical or coherent arguments to counter your opinion. Therefore, I need something to deflect criticism of myself or my associates.

Racism. It is one of my least favorite issues to discuss. I am a white, male, Christian, conservative, fat, son of the South. With the exception of baldness, I am the epitome of the last acceptable, nay, encouraged, demographic that is allowed to be made fun of, ridicule, resent, despise, and parody by our society, media, and politicians. I am also a natural born citizen of the United States of America.

I was born in Memphis, TN, six weeks after Dr. King was assassinated. My God rest his soul. Yes, I drive an old pickup. I like it. It is handy to have. I own a Southern Cross flag. I used to take it to Ole Miss games back when that was acceptable (I am actually a Tennessee alumni and fan). I love Southern Rock, Country, Rock and Roll, Heavy Metal, Soul, Blues, and Soft Rock. I do not like Rap. I like the politics of Sen. Barry Goldwater and Pres. Ronald Reagan. I do not like the politics of Pres. Franklin Roosevelt, Pres. Lyndon Johnson, or our current President Barack Obama. I believe Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life.
Now, with my qualifications out of the way, I will get to the point. True racism is an evil and ugly thing. Do any of you actually know a true racist? I mean, do you know someone who truly believes their race is superior to any other. I do not mean do you know of someone. I mean actually know. You have actually met and talked with this person. This person may even be a friend or relative. Someone, who, if they had their way, would subjugate or annihilate any person not of their race? We are not talking nasty jokes or teasing of friends. I will give you a minute to think about it. I have. I have known some in school and at work. They are very unpleasant and ignorant people.

I have been a victim of discrimination and racism. I do not say this to get into a comparison of who has had it worse. I know there are people out there who have had to put up with a lot more than I could ever imagine. We can go back to almost any time in history and bring up examples. I am saying this because I know what it is. I have experienced it, firsthand. At the University of Tennessee, I worked in the bookstore. I was discriminated for being the only white person not in management. When I went to the manager, I was told there was nothing he could do. The university will not care about me because I am a white male. They only want to handle complaints against “minorities”. I thought I was one in that situation. Was I angry and upset? Damn right I was. Did I hate all black people because of this? No, I had not ever known all black people in order to hate them. Did I believe all black people were like these people?. No, I knew they were not. This was a small group of narrow minded, ignorant people who felt the way they did for their own reasons. They knew nothing about me and did not even try to get to know me. I was immediately labeled the “white boy.” After a few months of this, I quit.
My next experience was in the accepting, liberal state of California. I had to deal with stereotypes. I had to put up with people making fun of my accent. I had people question my intelligence. I had questions about my family history; inbreeding, slavery, number of teeth, etc. I heard it all from the open-minded, liberal people. Some were in just, some were serious. The worst was when I was interviewing at Mitsubishi Motors North America. At the end of my second interview, I was told “The only two qualified candidates for this position are white males. My diversity manager told me I had to keep looking.” This was a direct quote. Even though it was almost ten years ago, I can hear it verbatim. I remember the woman who said it, where we were, what she was wearing, everything. Needless to say, I did not get the job. After that experience, I really did not want it. I wonder if Mitsubishi Motors North America is still that way? Last I heard, the same woman still worked there in a very high position. Almost to a person, I had the following exchange after we had just met for the first time: “Where are you from?” “Memphis, TN” “Have you ever thought of going back?” I am not making that up. Almost everyone I met had the same exchange with me. If the KKK heard some of the crap I had to hear, their white robes would turn green with envy. Now, I never had anyone outright hate me that I know of. I was never physically beaten or anything like that. But I have endured discrimination. Therefore, I will talk about it if I like.
Speaking of the pointy heads, the KKK is a racist organization. So are the Aryans in whatever form they take. As far as I am concerned any group that promotes one race over another is a racist organization. La Raza literally means “The Race”. The NAACP is the National Association for the Advancement of Colored Persons. The United Negro College fund, the Black Panther Party, Black Miss America, Black Entertainment Television (BET), Black Congressional Caucus, etc.. I do not mean to pick on the Black people, but these are the ones in the media. These are not racist organizations by definition. Most do not even consider themselves racist organizations. Most of them do not “hate” anyone. They are not out to destroy other races in favor of their own. But, imagine if you substituted the word white in place off Black, Negro or Colored what would you have. They would be horrible racist, murderous thugs. They would be seeking the destruction of all other races except their own. They would be the worst scum in the world. I am not advocating this. Nor am I saying we should have white organizations to counter these black, Hispanic, Asian, whatever organization. I would really like to see all of these associations with reference to any race disbanded. I do not see how we are going to have the equality, peace, and harmony the liberals are always crowing about as long as there are organizations like these. Their very names imply separatism. Yes, I am a Mason and we do not allow women. It is not that we do not like them. I even married one. It’s just sometimes you want to hang out with the guys.

Do I have friends of different races? Yes, I do. One of my favorites is a black woman I think the world of back in California. She thought a lot like I do that this racism thing is stupid. We would tease each other something awful. I cannot even repeat in this forum some of the things we used to say to each other. I loved her and her lesbian partner. They were true friends, not just acquaintances. I really miss her. She is not on facebook so I cannot even talk to her. I also have some Hispanic, Asian, and African (as in from Africa) friends. These are not my token minority friends. They are people who are just friends. I am not saying this to prove I am not a racist. I do not have to prove anything to anyone. Only God knows what is in my heart. To be honest, he is the only one that needs to know. I do not care what color you are or what you believe. If you are a person of honor and integrity, the rest is irrelevant. That is all I ask of a true friend. Unfortunately, I also have friends who try to twist everything I say to have the worst possible meaning. I do not know if they are looking for something or just insecure.

This is the year 2010. We have a Black President, Black and Hispanic Judges on the Supreme Court. We have congress people of all races, creeds, colors, and beliefs. We no longer live in a white dominated society. Unfortunately, some people out there are not going to be happy until their group or race is in charge of it all. They cannot accept that we are all Americans. We are not African-Americans, Anglo-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Italian Americans, Irish-Americans, Chinese-Americans, Asian-Americans, Japanese-Americans, Korean-Americans, etc. If I left your specific subset out, I apologize. We are all Americans. It does not matter if our ancestors came over on a merchant ship or slave ship. It does not matter if we are natural or naturalized. The only thing that matters is if we are legal citizens or residents of the United States of America. That and being children of God is what we all have in common.

That brings me to part two. I am going to discuss the new bill in Arizona. Those of you who are still interested are welcome to read it. If I have offended you, I am sorry. But, I mean every word I say.

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