In marketing, there is a saying that everything comes down to a two horse race; Coke-Pepsi, Ford-Chevrolet, Toyota-Honda, Fox-CNN, etc. All the others just try to hang on and live off the scraps. The same is true in politics. Everyone is talking about the Tea Party movement. They are saying it is a combination of Republicans and Democrats who are dissatisfied with the current political landscape and want a change. I like the sentiment. However, I do not agree that a third party is the answer.
The presidential election of 1992 showed how this works. Ross Perot came out as an outsider to the political game and garnered a lot of support from regular Americans. He campaigned on his business savvy and his folksy demeanor. Then, at the height of his popularity, he quit. No real reason was given, he just quit. Then, again, he changed his mind. He continued as a third party candidate. What were the results? The defeat of a sitting, Republican president to a nearly unheard of governor from Arkansas. Bill Clinton won with only 43% of the popular vote. George Bush had 37%. Ross Perot took the rest with 19%. I am not saying this was the only reason George Bush lost to Bill Clinton. Believe me, it is not. He was not a good president. He did not seem to learn anything from his predecessor, Ronald Reagan. I do believe Ross Perot’s campaign was the major factor in his loss.
I see the same thing about to happen in 2012. Both the Republicans and the Democrats are held prisoner by their far, extreme components. Both parties are rife with corruption, greed and apathy for the American people. The Tea Party Movement is the logical outlet for those who are not extremist (Don’t care what the media says). I view the Tea Partiers as teenagers who are rebelling against the restrictions of their old fashioned parents who do not understand. Eventually, they will come back into the fold and grow up to be the backbone of their respective parties. I think it is very healthy for these people to blow off steam. I especially like the fact that more people who have before never had much of an interest in politics are getting involved. They are voting, rallying and speaking their minds. In that sense I support them.
Today’s Republicans are infamous for being spineless and weak when in power. Remember the Contract With America? They talk big when out, but when in, they suck. Even today, they bitch and moan about the current president and his policies, but do they actually do anything? Hell, no! They claim that since they are not in control of the house or senate, they are powerless. I remember when they had the presidency, house and senate and were still worthless. They were not dangerous, just worthless. Coming from California, which has no real Republican party, I saw this firsthand.
I do not see the Tea Party Movement winning anything big. They may get some local stuff and maybe even a house rep at most. When these people calm down, they need to go back to their respective parties and take control of them. Even though money is the mother’s milk of politics, you can still have a vote. That is what the primaries are for. If the powers that be do not put up someone you like, vote for someone else. If enough people vote for the same person, that person will be the candidate.
Watching the Republicans fumble around in the dark like Mr. Magoo makes me sad. That was why I left them during the first George Bush’s term. They have lost their way. They are so splintered they cannot even provide leadership much less a candidate for 2012. This is where the Tea Party can help. Given the current state of things, I predict President Barack Obama will be re-elected in 2012. The old boy, Republican Party will put up Mitt Romney to lose to him. The Tea Party Movement and the Republican Party will point fingers and blame each other as our country sinks further into the abyss of socialism. I am ready to be proven wrong.